Growing in Faith
St. Margaret Church and St. Mary Magdalen Mission

Small Christian Communities
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. ~ Matthew 18:20
Small Christian Communities, or faith sharing groups, are vital to life in Christ. In our smaller communities, we are able to grow together and support one another along our faith journeys. While always rooted in Christ and the mission of His Church, the focus of any given group will vary based on the spirit of the particular group.
If you are interested in joining, creating or learning how to facilitate an adult faith sharing group, please email Herman Wilkins or call the parish office at 410-838-6969, ext. 126. The following is a list of some of our established groups.

Fishers of Men
Visit our website: Fishers of Men – Harford County
Our mission is two fold:
- to bring men together to strengthen their Catholic faith through formation and fellowship
- to send men out to their families, parishes and communities to put that faith into action
At each meeting the group tackles a different topic that is relevant to the lives of Catholic men today.
The Catholic group for adults also sponsors a weekly Holy Hour with Eucharistic Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation at St. Margaret Church. Please see our website for days and times.
For More Information: contact Rob Dauses at

Legion of Mary
Are you being called to do something more? Do you have a strong devotion to Mary? The Legion of Mary needs you to help do Mary’s work! At St. Margaret’s we are called Our Lady Of The Snows Praesidium and are made up of men and women. Come any Friday morning at 10AM to see what we do!
The Legion of Mary is a 100 year old organization of the Church’s Lay Apostolate in action in most every parish worldwide doing works of mercy, under the mantle of Our Blessed Mother. The Legion of Mary is a wonderful way to be a part of God’s call to evangelize by works of conversion and consolation in offering services to our priests. Most importantly, we:
- Visit and bring the Eucharist to the sick, shut-ins, the hospital, nursing homes, assisted living centers and the Detention Center.
- Sponsor the Miraculous Medal Novena, the daily Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet on Wednesday, and monthly Rosary Rallies.
- Bring the Pilgrim Virgin Statue to homes for visitation.
- Volunteer at our local Pregnancy Center
We meet weekly to pray for and plan our week’s activities. All are welcome! For more information call Joyce Zink at 443-995-1459.

Monday Morning Mom’s Group
9:15 – 10:45 am ~ Mondays from late September through May
Grow in faith-filled friendship with other moms to reflect on various topics of faith and family life. Contact Shannon Dauses for more information.

At Home with the Word
Many of our groups read and reflect on the Scripture readings that will be heard at our weekend masses, using reflections and discussion questions to help spark the conversation. Interested? Email Herman Wilkins or call the parish office at 410-838-6969, ext. 126.

Catholic Men’s Fellowship
Sunday evenings ~ 7:00 – 9:00 pm
It is through small group gatherings that men help and encourage each other to work to increase their spirituality, faith and knowledge of Church teachings through evangelization and discipleship. For more information, contact Jack Dempsey 410.803.2111.

Centering Prayer Group
2nd and 4th Thursday of the Month ~ 7:00 pm
Centering prayer is a prayer of quiet that helps us to open ourselves to God’s presence. We share, learn, support one another and pray together. For more information, contact Gene Popiolek 443.567.6214.

Bible Study
Encountering God in sacred Scripture is a powerful way to deepen one’s relationship with God and each other. The parish has several Catholic groups for adults that seek to deepen their faith through learning about, praying with and sharing through Bible study.
Ladies’ Bible Study: Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday mornings at 10 am ~ Sept. – May. Contact Herman Wilkins for more information.
Walking With Purpose: A women’s Bible study with several small groups meeting at various times. Contact Beth Simpson or Herman Wilkins for more information.
Wednesday Evenings Bible Study: Wednesday evenings from 7 – 9 pm, Sept – May. This group is on hiatus due to COVID-19. Contact Jack Dempsey 410-803-2111 for updates.

Learning About Catholicism and Becoming a Catholic
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
I have called you by name: you are mine ~ Isaiah 43:1
The OCIA is a journey toward full communion in the Roman Catholic Church. It is designed for adults who are either unbaptized or who were baptized in a non-Catholic Christian tradition who are interested in becoming Catholic. OCIA is also for people who are already baptized Catholic but have not received the remainder of their Sacraments of Initiation (Holy Communion and Confirmation). The OCIA program involves many members of our parish community. Through the OCIA, the parish community ministers to those seeking to learn about Catholicism and to become Catholic.
For more information email Herman Wilkins or call the parish office at 410-838-6969, ext. 126.

Have you registered for your FREE subscription to This website has hundreds of videos, eBooks, movies and more about our Catholic faith and is the parish’s gift to YOU! Check out the Opening the Word video series for a reflection on the Sunday readings.
To set up your account, enter our parish code (6X6FXW) on the home page. Please contact Herman Wilkins with any questions or if you need assistance accessing your subscription.

Confirmation Preparation For Adults
For adults who were already baptized, Adult confirmation preparation sessions are offered periodically throughout the year. If you are 18 years or older and interested in being confirmed, please contact Herman Wilkins.

Welcome Home
Have you been away from the Church? Are you feeling called back? The doors are always open. Give us a call, and we will walk with you! To join Catholic groups for adults or to find out about individual opportunities for growing back into your faith, email Herman Wilkins or call the parish office at410-838-6969, ext. 126.

Serving as a Catechist
Do you feel called to learn more about the Catholic faith and share it with others? Consider becoming a catechist. Catechists journey with and prepare people to receive the sacraments. If you would like to learn more about this ministry, please email Herman Wilkins or call the parish office at 410.838.6969.

Serving as a Sponsor Couple for Marriage Preparation
When engaged couples come to the parish to celebrate the sacrament of holy matrimony, we connect them with a couple in our parish to mentor them as they plan for married life. Sponsor couples share their experience of marriage and help the engaged couple to discuss important aspects for healthy relationships such as communication, finances, faith, family, living habits and personal time. If you would like to learn more about serving in this enriching ministry, including the training process, please email Herman Wilkins or call the parish office at 410.838.6969.

Small Christian Community Facilitator
Each of our small Christian communities (SCC), or faith sharing groups, has a facilitator, a person who organizes the SCC, serves as the connection between the parish and the SCC and facilitates the small group conversation during meetings. Do you feel called to serve in this role? We will help you prepare for this life-giving ministry. We will also support you with resources once you are active in the ministry. An open heart and a desire to help others find a space and a place to share faith is all that is needed. Contact Herman Wilkins for more information.