
St. Margaret Church and St. Mary Magdalen Mission


Please note that all volunteers need to complete Virtus training prior to becoming involved at the parish.

Liturgical Ministry

Please visit our Liturgical Ministries page for a full list of these ministry opportunities and contact information.


Catechists are persons who pass on their faith in and love of Jesus Christ through example prayer and teaching. This requires a personal commitment to Jesus and is expressed through active participation in the Liturgy, personal prayer, and continued formation. Catechists receive training, resources, and support from our parish catechetical leaders and clergy. Contact Deacon Hermon Wilkins.

Bereavement Ministry
Funeral Sacristans

Our team supports families during the funeral Mass. Team members greet family members, set up and serve at the funeral Mass. Individuals are on call one week a month.

Funeral Reception Ministry

Provides hosting and set-up of hospitality after the funeral in the Adult Education Center.

Ministry of Consolation

This ministry provides spiritual and moral support for those who have suffered a loss. The group reaches out to the family members through cards and calls following the funeral services. They also plan the annual All Souls Mass and a reception afterward.

Funeral Liturgy Planning

Priests and deacons meet with families to complete the Introductory Rites, Liturgy of the Word to include selected readings and hymns, Liturgy of the Eucharist and individuals who will be involved. This preparation assures families that all aspects of the service will be handled with honor, dignity and meets the wishes of the deceased and their family. This will be offered at Church or the funeral home. Contact the parish office 410-838-6969.

Widow and Widower

This group meets on the second Tuesday of each month for lunch and activities.

Baptismal Garments

During the Rite of Infant Baptism, a white garment is placed on the baby to symbolize they are clothed in a new life – the life of Christ. It is a tradition in our parish that these garments be made by parishioners. There are two ways you can help. We need individuals who are willing to cut them out from a pattern, and individuals who are willing to do the sewing OR you can join our sewing team that meets quarterly for fellowship, lunch and of course, sewing. Kathy Reilly 410-838-6969, ext. 100 or

Altar Guild

Cares for the worship space, altar linens and vessels. Volunteering for this ministry requires two hours every three weeks.
Anne Heidenreich: 410-688-4527


The parish provides many opportunities for parishioners and guests to take part in fellowship and social gatherings including hospitality after Masses, parish dinners, dances, Bingo and various other activities throughout the year.

Parish Administration
Finance Committee

reviews and provides oversight for the parish financial accounting and budget processes. The committee meets five times a year.

Facilities Committee

develops policies and procedures for the use of facilities at St. Margaret and St. Mary Magdalen. The committee plans and supervises building and renovation projects, and meets five times a year. Steve Hunter 410-838-9029

Parish Office Clerical Support

provides volunteer assistance to the Parish staff to carry out a variety of projects.

Safety and Security Ministry

This ministry is comprised of parishioners in the law enforcement, military or emergency services fields. Our mission is to create an alert and aware environment that may be able to prevent an emergency from occurring and to provide assistance until professional responders arrive, should one occur. Contact Betty Mooney 410-838-6969