For liturgical events, please visit our full schedule of daily and weekend masses, rosary, adoration, and confession on our Liturgy & Prayers page.
Scrub a dubdub, so everyone can clean up in the tub! The first weekend of each month. The need is great! Thank You!! shampoo deodorant body wash/soap toothpaste adult/children toothbrushes adult/children lotion shaving cream baby wash and lotion feminine hygiene products All of these items are not covered by SNAPS (Independence Cards, Food Stamps, etc.) Toiletry […]
Monthly Youth Holy Mass Held at 11:00 am at St. Mary Magdalen Mission on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Join us for this contemporary Mass where all liturgical roles are filled by our St. Margaret Youth Ministry!
June 23 – June 27, 2025 | 9:00am – 12:30pm SAVE THE DATE! Registration will be available on our parish website on March 1, 2025. More details to come...