St. Margaret Church and St. Mary Magdalen Mission
Nina Heck, Director of Outreach
Please note that all volunteers need to complete Virtus training prior to becoming involved at the parish.
Anyone interested in volunteering for one of our ministries, please contact Nina Heck at ninah@stmargaret.org.
Casserole Receipes
Casseroles are collected each week and provided to The Sharing Table at Prince of Peace Church in Edgewood. They are distributed every week to between 300-400 people. THANK YOU for your support of this outreach ministry!
- Please freeze the casseroles until they are hard prior to dropping off
- In a hurry? Large, family-sized trays of frozen mac & cheese are always welcome!
- Place frozen casseroles in the coolers outside the Parish Office and St. Mary Magdalen Mission
You may make any casserole of your choosing; but if you’d like recipe ideas, we have a few options: > DOWNLOAD CASSEROLE RECEIPES <
Any questions can be directed to Nina Heck at ninah@stmargaret.org.
Community Partners
Addiction Connections Resource, Inc (ACR)
This organization may be the first call made from someone addicted trying to find help for recovery. They offer assistance with inpatient treatment and follow-up placement care. They also provide programs to further strengthen the recovery of the family and the individual. We support through donations. Their website is www.acrhelps.org.
Anna’s House
Shelters women with children who find themselves displaced due to domestic violence, loss of employment, financial crisis or chronic addiction. The staff offers life skills, parenting skills, job readiness, transportation to find and sustain employment and secure permanent housing through Keys of My Own program that promotes self-sufficiency. We support through donations and special collections. Their website is cc-md.org/annas-house.
Choose Hope Women’s Center
This center offers practical help to anyone facing a crisis pregnancy with ongoing support, education, referrals and material assistance. Each year during Lent, we distribute baby bottles at all the Masses for parishioners to fill with coins, currency or checks to offer financial support. Their website is www.choosehopetoday.org
Cottage Thrift Shop
St. Margaret Church and Emmanuel Episcopal Church operate this joint venture through funding, donations and volunteers. The shop is open to all but especially to serve the poor and homeless are encouraged to shop every 30 days for 3 outfits, shoes, seasonal jacket and purse (for ladies) at no charge. All items are discounted and the hours are Friday & Saturday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Their website is emmanuelbelair.org/outreach/.
Faith Communities and Civic Agencies United (FCCAU) Welcome One Shelter
This is a full-service, 24 hour/day, 365 days/year shelter that houses 26 men and 7 women who are homeless. Their mission is to promote self-sufficiency, provide education and job services to help secure a job, medical care and much needed benefits. We support through monetary donations, and encourage parishioners to donate unwanted items. Collect much needed supplies and offer volunteers to assist with meal preparation once a month. Their website is www.welcomeoneshelter.com.
Found in Faith Ministries
This ministry receives furniture donations, household goods, small appliances and other items listed on their website. The items are given out to individuals or families transitioning from shelters, veterans, survivors of domestic violence, re-entry individuals, natural disaster and more. We encourage parishioners to donate their unwanted items and we offer support through donations. Their website is www.freshstartmd.org
Habitat for Humanity Susquehanna
This location in Bel Air serves Harford and Cecil County. For the past several years, St. Margaret Parish has sponsored a Panel Build which occurs in October. During that time announcements are sent out seeking volunteers to help with construction. Their website is www.habitatsusq.org.
Harford Family House
Largest provider of transitional housing for families with children experiencing homelessness and unaccompanied adults ages 18 – 24. Education in life skills, job readiness and personal growth is mandatory. Their website is www.harfordfamilyhouse.org.
Harford Community Action Agency
We collect weekly non-perishable items for this agency at all Masses as well as donations. Their pantry included meat, dairy, vegetables, canned goods and cleaning supplies, diapers and formula, and toiletries for individuals meeting income requirements. The agency supports Title 1 school programs in Harford County, GED classes, coaching/goal setting to encourage self-sufficiency, employment assistance and MD Energy Assistance programs. Their website is www.harfordcaa.org.
Homecoming Project Inc.
This organization is a half-way house for women recovering from and alcohol and substance abuse. They offer life skills, individual counseling, case management, educational sessions and much more. We support through donations and special collections of items needed. Their website is www.homecomingrecovery.org.
Mann House
This organization houses men recovering from alcohol and substance abuse that have a chronic relapse problem. Their philosophy is one of hard work, 12 step AA program, counseling, spirituality, good diet and exercise and total abstinence. They maintain a high success rate and have been in business for over 40 years. We support through donations and special collections. Their website is www.mannhouse.org.
Mason Dixon Community Center
School supplies are collected during the months of July and August to help those in need in northern Harford County. This will be posted in the bulletin. Their website is www.mason-dixon.org
Corporal Works of Mercy
Corporal Works of Mercy
Feed the hungry
Give drink to the thirsty
Clothe the naked
Shelter the homeless
Visit the sick
Visit the imprisoned
Bury the dead
Homeless / Poor
Cooperative Food Ministry
Two groups meet on specified Monday at Calvary Baptist Church from 3:30-7 pm to set up, cook and serve dinner to the poor and homeless in the Bel Air area. Dinner is served at 6:00pm followed by clean up.
Cottage Thrift Shop
A joint ministry of St. Margaret Parish and Emmanuel Episcopal Church. Volunteers collect, sort and assist in the shop, which provides clothing and miscellaneous articles to needy clients at a modest cost, or as a donation.
Lead coordinator is Diane Faber.
FCCAU Welcome One Shelter
Belcamp, MD – Group meets on the 29th of each month from 3:30-7:00pm to prepare dinner and serve at 6:00pm along with packing lunches for the next day to approximately 40 individuals. Clean up is complete by 7:00pm.
Habitat for Humanity Susquehanna
This group works with the non-profit ecumenical Christian housing ministry whose mission is to eliminate sub-standard housing for economically disadvantaged families living in Harford County. St. Margaret partners with Habitat for Humanity to offer an annual panel build in the fall for anyone over the age of 16 who wants to participate. Lead coordinator is Betty Hunter.
Spirit of Giving Program
St. Margaret Parish collects grocery items for a Thanksgiving meal and for a Christmas meal. We encourage parishioners to adopt a family or child/children to provide gifts and food if possible.
Jam Sandwich Ministry
Group meets the 3rd Sunday of each month to prepare lunch bags with sandwiches, drink and a snack to deliver in the Aberdeen area to the homeless population.
Ministry of St. Lawrence
Volunteers alternate days to cover telephone messages, take incoming calls and complete intake forms from those seeking assistance with eviction, utilities, food, shelter and other necessities in order to assess their situation. Offer referral sources when necessary. Volunteers work alternating schedules Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 am to noon.
The Sharing Table
Aluminum pans with a variety of recipes are found at the tables in the Church, Mission and Parish Office. We encourage anyone to prepare at home, freeze and drop off at the Parish Office during business hours. Casseroles ae picked up on Friday and delivered to Prince of Peace Church in Edgewood. The Sharing Table assists 300-400 families weekly.
Christopher’s Place Employment Academy + The House of Ruth
Bereavement Ministry
Funeral Sacristans
Our team supports families during a funeral Mass by greeting, setting up and serving at the Mass. Individuals are on call one week/month.
Funeral Reception Ministry
Provides hosting and set up of hospitality after the funeral in the Adult Education Center.
All Souls Mass
Mass and reception for families of those who lost a loved one during the past year.
Ministry of Consolation
Provides spiritual and moral support to families by sending cards and making calls.
Widow and Widowers Group
This group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at a time and location to be determined for lunch and socialization.
Respect Life
Respect Life Ministry
This group will provide information to the Parish on events and news related to Respect Life issues. Lead coordinator is Craig Martin. October is Respect Life Month, and all life issues are highlighted to the parish each weekend through talks and hand-outs.
Choose Hope Women’s Center
This center offers practical help to those facing a crisis pregnancy through ongoing support, education, referrals and material assistance. The parish, Baby Bottle Project, is held during Lent. This project benefits Choose Hope Women’s Center in Bel Air and Edgewood.
March for Life
St. Margaret participates in the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. each January. Deacon Jim DeCapite jdecapite@stmargaret.org
Prison Ministry
Communion services are held every Sunday night for Catholic inmates by our Deacons and other lay ministers.
Sick and Homebound
Eucharistic Ministry
Home Eucharist: Available to home-bound Catholics who wish to receive Communion at home.
Nina Heck 410-838-6969, ext. 174 or ninah@stmargaret.org
Nursing Home: Communion services are held at Avondell Independent Living on Monday afternoons and Brightview Assisted Living on Wednesday afternoons. We have volunteers that visit Sterling Care Bel Air on Wednesday’s distributing communion and offering prayers. Nina Heck 410-838-6969, ext. 174 or ninah@stmargaret.org
Hooked on Prayer
This group is made up of women who come together to knit or crochet shawls for persons in need. If you do not knit or crochet, but would like to learn, instructions are provided – the stitch used to make a shawl is simple and can be picked up easily. Group is lead by Nina Cornelius.
Legion of Mary
This very dedicated group provides spiritual growth for members and outreach to the sick, homebound, nursing homes and hospitals. Our Lady of the Snows Praesidium meets every Friday from 10:00 – 11:30 am in the Adult Education Center. Lead coordinator is Joyce Zink.
Health Ministry
The mission of this ministry is to promote the health of the St. Margaret Parish congregation by actively encouraging, supporting and developing a sense of well-being of the body, mind and spirit through education, partnering, and networking. They meet the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the St. Lawrence Outreach House.
Lead coordinator is Mary Ann Williams.
Prayer Tree
Approximately 150 parishioners pray for the needs of the parish and individuals. Requests are distributed by e-mail to the Prayer Tree members. To request prayers or to become a member, contact the parish office at 410-838-6969.
Rosary Ministry/Project Rosary
Make rosaries to be distributed to the hospital, nursing homes/assisted living, the prison and other events. Meets the 2nd Thursday of each month in the Adult Education Center from 1:00-3:00pm.
Thoughtful Wishes
This is a group which makes cards for the sick and shut-ins at various nursing homes in the community. Lead coordinator is Karen Barnaba.
Senior Citizens
First Friday Senior Citizens
Group provides lunch, entertainment, and fellowship following Mass on the first Friday of the month at the Callahan Center at St. Mary’s Magdalen Mission. (October, November, December, March, April, & May).
Substance Abuse
Addiction Support Groups
They work to support and encourage those dealing with substance abuse. All information shared is kept strictly confidential. This group is responsible for coordinating Recovery Month in September of each year.
Families Anonymous ~ Mondays 7:00 pm
Alcoholics Anonymous ~ Fridays 7:00 pm