Growing in Faith
Youth & Young Adults
St. Margaret Church and St. Mary Magdalen Mission

High School Youth Ministry
Hangout nights at FiRE House
All high school students are invited to join us every Tuesday, 7-9:30pm. Sports, games, movies, scavenger hunts and more! Come check it out! (Established in 2011, FiRE House is a gathering space for high school students. It is the tan rancher with purple shutters located at the corner of the elementary school parking lot – 329 Wright Street)
Emmaus Peer Ministry
Confirmed teens are invited to be a part of our team of peer ministers who accompany other youth on their journey of faith. Our peer ministers are an integral part of our Confirmation program.
Leadership Training
Invitations are extended to select youth to participate in local and national leadership opportunities such as the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s High School Leadership Institute (High LI) and One Bread One Cup in St. Meinrad, IN.
National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC)
Every other year, NCYC is held in Indianapolis. Current high school students who are involved in youth ministry are invited to attend this 3-day experience with over 20,000 young people from around the country.

College Ministry
Our College Ministry typically meets on Wednesday evenings during the summer and during winter break. For more information, please email Fr. Ferdinand Ezenwachi:
To sign up for our college newsletter, send an email to Fr. Ferdinand Ezenwachi

This group is comprised of young adults, who seek to grow closer to Christ in the Eucharist and their peers through time in prayer, in penance and in the pub. Adults between the ages of 21 and 35 gather twice a month in the chapel for Adoration (P1 – prayer). During this time, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered (P2 – penance). After Benediction, fellowship ensues at a local restaurant (P3 – pub). For more information, please contact the Parish Office.

Confirmation for Youth
Preparation for the Sacrament begins with a required information meeting in the late spring of 8th grade and continues for approximately one year with Confirmation at the end of 9th grade. Students who wish to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation must have been enrolled in either a Catholic school or Catholic faith formation program with successful completion the year prior to preparation. Older high school students are also welcome to prepare for Confirmation assuming the eligibility requirement is met.
Our Confirmation preparation program for youth involves parish ministry participation, classes, an overnight retreat, the completion of a portfolio and an interview. The Program is designed to help our young people deepen their relationship with God, their understanding of their faith and to realize the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
Those interested in learning more about Confirmation preparation may contact Daniel Cajigas for more information.
Upcoming Youth Events
Faith Formation Inclement Weather Policy
Our Faith Formation Team will send an email regarding closure and cancellation. We will follow Harford County Schools’ inclement weather policy; further inclement weather policities can be found here:
Enjoy Playing Music?
Consider sharing your talent at the Contemporary Mass at Saint Mary Magdalen on Sundays at 11:00 am. Please contact Tyler Horton, Assistant Music Minister.